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AMD confirms sampling of Zen 5 EPYC Turin processors

by on03 May 2024

Silicon looks great and is on track to launch later this year

During its Q1 2024 financial report, AMD confirmed the status of its future products, including the Zen 5 CPU architecture, namely EPYC Turing CPUs.

According to AMD's CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, the company is already widely sampling Turin, and it is satisfied with how the silicon is looking. When it comes to the cloud market, the company expects to capture an even larger share of both first- and third-party workloads due to the significant performance and efficiency improvements that Turing is currently showing. On the server side, AMD expects 30 percent more Turin platforms, compared to Genoa.

AMD was keen to note that Turin remains on track to launch later this year.

"Looking ahead, we are very excited about our next-gen Turin family of EPYC processors featuring our Gen 5 core," said AMD's CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, chief executive officer of AMD. "We are widely sampling Turin, and the silicon is looking great. In the cloud, the significant performance and efficiency increases of Turin position us well to capture an even larger share of both first and third-party workloads."

"In addition, there are 30% more Turin platforms in development from our server partners, compared to 4th Generation EPYC platforms, increasing our enterprise and with new solutions optimized for additional workloads." Turin remains on track to launch later this year," she added during the financial call with investors and analysts. (via


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