Published in Graphics

Nvidia CEO calls Intel a tyrannical ruler

by on25 November 2009


Says Nvidia will kick their ass in court

In an
interview with Tbreak, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang offered some insight into Nvidia's long term plans, centered around Tesla servers and a bunch of Tegra concepts.

However, we've heard most of this already and we know Nvidia has very high hopes for GPGPU computing and especially its Tegra jack-of-all-trade processors.

One of the more interesting comments in the 4-page interview refers to Nvidia's Intel bashing cartoons: “We just think its funny- its a nice way of letting it out. During the older times, peasants used humor against a tyrannical ruler ship. (Laughs.) It helps ease some of the frustration. But let me ask you- when was the last time you saw a company as big as Intel sue another smaller company? They’re scared and you can write this down- We will kick their ass when we go to court next year,” said Jen-Hsun.

So, Nvidia peasants will rise up against their feudal masters at Intel, but they won't burn down castles and redistribute land like communists. They will kick their ass in court. Mind you, if they fail, we will probably never see an ION 3 and we will be stuck with Intel's horrid IGPs for years to come.

You can check out the full interview here.
Last modified on 25 November 2009
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