Published in Gaming

DICE clarifies Physical Warfare Pack

by on17 June 2011

Everyone will be able to download it
DICE has now clarified the details surrounding the Physical Warfare pack, which was understood to be part of the pre-order bonus (and is). Apparently, you don’t have to pre-order to get the Physical Warfare pack because everyone will be able to download it, but it is apparently a timed exclusive.  This means that those who pre-order will get it right at release, but those who don’t will have to wait a bit before they can download it.

As for the “Back to Karkand” map pack, that is a bit different. If you want the Back to Karkand map pack, then you should pre-order in order to get it for free; otherwise, you will have to buy it if you want it. DICE claims that they have more than enough copies of the game to go around, so if you pre-order or buy it on release day, you should have no problem getting it.
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