Published in Mobiles

Ice Cream Sandwich comes tomorrow

by on18 October 2011

Wrapped in Nexus Prime’s curved screen

Google and Samsung are gearing up to introduce Ice Cream Sandwich in Hong Kong tomorrow, at 3 AM GMT.

The new OS is set to launch on the Nexus Prime, Google’s third generation Nexus handset, built by Samsung. As for the rest of the Android crowd, we expect Samsung and Motorola to lead the way when it comes to Ice Cream Sandwich.

However, it’s worth noting that most manufacturers have an abysmal track record when it comes to offering Android updates for their older smartphones, even flagship models. We can only hope the practice will change with Ice Cream Sandwich, but there is no doubt many consumers will be stuck with older OS versions or have to tinker with aftermarket firmware.

The big question is whether Ice Cream Sandwich can drink Apple’s milkshake, so to speak. With surprisingly strong Apple 4S sales and the successful introduction of iOS 5, the Android team seems in for a tough fight.

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