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Biden voting record not pro-tech

by on27 August 2008


Obama picks pro RIAA, MPAA and FBI second

The selection of Joe Biden as the Democrat VP candidate was likely a good choice by Barack Obama, as Biden has been known for his foreign policy experience. Younger voters as well as technology enthusiasts will be perhaps surprised to find out that Biden is no friend to those who are pro-technology.

Biden has cast votes and sponsored bills that have been pro-RIAA, pro-FBI, pro-MPAA, and he sponsored a bill that would have made it a felony to trick devices into playing unauthorized music or content or executing unapproved computer programs.

He has been on the tip of the spear in trying to encourage the Justice Department to prosecute people that are sharing music or movies over peer-to-peer networks. In our opinion, the RIAA and the MPAA should be forced to have to spend their own money to finance their lawsuits and not expect the taxpayers to foot the bill.

Most recently, he sponsored a bill that was backed by the RIAA that was targeting the right of Americans to record and play back songs from satellite and Internet radio. Biden has a track record at the forefront to restrict user’s fair-use rights.

Biden has not only been working to move pro-RIAA and pro-MPAA legislation ahead, he also is a supporter of the ability of the FBI to force an individual to have to release their encryption keys to the FBI. The FBI is resistant to all encryption technology and Biden supports this stance.

Biden does not support Net Neutrality and does not believe that laws are necessary to insure it. He has a poor voting record on tech issues in general, and always seems to side with the companies or the government. Barak Obama, on the other hand, seems to be more tech friendly and does favor Net Neutrality.

It seems that Biden is out of touch with technology and shows no signs of changing.

Last modified on 27 August 2008
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