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Sharp missing the ball on OLED

by on09 January 2009


Too slow


Sharp management have been slammed for delaying making screens using Organic Light Emitting Diodes.

Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas Doug Koshima, chairman of Sharp Electronics Corporation, said that his company had no plans for developing OLED screens. Instead it would be sticking with LCD screens. He said the technology was not ready for prime time.

David Fyfe, chief executive of Cambridge Display Technology, one of the leading OLED manufacturers, told that Sharp executives must have their heads up their arses. He said that the current management made their reputations on LCD technology. They skipped a generation in management, replacing leaders in their 60s with management in their 40s who bet big on LCD technology.

Other manufacturers such as Sony and Samsung were rushing to get the technology in the workplace, Fyfe said.


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