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Apple tries to sell itself to businesses

by on27 March 2009


Claims it is cheap


Fruit-themed purveyor of expensive and unreliable gear, Apple is trying to flog its Macs to businesses claiming that it is cheaper than Windows or Linux.

True, Apple has managed to convince the world plus dog that some of its products are better than everyone elses thanks to extreme marketing, but business leaders are a tough crowd. For a start they tend to look at facts rather than how nice the machine looks, and the price tag and then compare it with machines of the same spec.

However Apple has started a series of seminars titled "Your business on a Mac. A better bottom line” around the cash strapped US. For three and a half hours, Apple's finest will have a crack at converting businesses from common sense to doing what Steve Jobs tells them is true.

The seminar covers the basics of Mac OS X, connecting to existing networks, including Windows-based workgroups, basic networking and file sharing, and using iWork and iLife for business purposes.

Apple is hoping that it can show that its operating system for idiots which only allows software that Steve blesses, is somehow cheaper than the Free Linux operating system which can be configured so that it runs in the same way, or Windows which most staff don't need any training on. Then there is the fact that most Apple hardware is a third more expensive to buy. Good luck with that one Jobs Mob, we think you are out of your league in the real world.

Last modified on 27 March 2009
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