Published in Transportation

AMD cannot get software SLI

by on28 August 2008


Nvision 2008: For 790FX, 790GX, 790X and 770

We were
also told that despite the fact that Nvidia bent toward Intel and gave this giant a chance to get a software SLI for X58., it won’t do the same for AMD. AMD won’t have a chance to pay its way into SLI.  

We were told that AMD won’t be able to participate in this SLI software licensing program, simply as Nvidia chipset boys see AMD's chipset division as competition. Nvidia also told many journalists that it still hasn't changed its mind about making a Bloomfield / Core i7 chipset and therefore it wants to give SLI to early Nehalem adopters.

AMD is considered a competitor in the chipset business and Nvidia still wants to keep SLI for itself as it sees this as a good selling point for its  own chipsets.

You can decide on your own if this is a fair move or not but this is the reality. Nvidia is still very dedicated to making an SLI chipset for AMD processors and if it solves things to its advantage it will even make QPI chipsets, but this is something no one knows, as this is mainly up to Intel.

So, don't expect to see SLI on AMD 790/770 series chipsets, or any other AMD chipsets for that matter.

Last modified on 29 August 2008
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