The game itself hasn't launched yet but after registering with Sapphire Selected Club, you’ll be eligible to download the full version of the game on 21st of December, when the game launches. Perhaps the best part is that all this comes at only €30 higher price than reference one.
We have a few scores below and more to come soon, and there is even a chance that some of you might win this card. We will announce the details of our holiday giveaway very soon.
The card is already listed in stores and you can find it here.
Sapphire HD 6970 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam Limited Edition runs at reference clocks, which isn’t a surprise as HD 6970 cards didn’t quite exhibit serious overclocking capabilities. We've been informed that TriXX support will be released for 6900 series and will support overclocking, fan control, saving settings, etc. However, it is unlikely that it will support voltage changes, since it would conflict with Powertune.
All in all, the HD 6970 is a card that will surely satisfy your performance needs.