Internet exploder put out to pasture
Published in News
Friday, 18 March 2022 11:36

Internet exploder put out to pasture

Sends us out a reminder 

Software King of the world Microsoft has sent out a reminder that Internet Explorer will be officially killed off in June. 

Internet explorer dead by 2020
Published in News
Wednesday, 30 January 2019 10:46

Internet explorer dead by 2020

Microsoft announces Norwegian Blue Screen of death

Software King of the World, Microsoft, has warned that it has given up trying to prop up Internet Exploder 10  and it will be officially declared dead next year.

Microsoft exposes Project Spartan
Published in News
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 13:08

Microsoft exposes Project Spartan

Internet Explorer meets its Thermopylae

Microsoft has finished painting the six pack on Project Spartan and released it to the great unwashed.

Internet explorer and Safari users are rubbish employees
Published in News

New Survey dismisses default setting people

People who use Internet Explorer are more likely to be rubbish at their jobs, according to a new survey.

Microsoft confirms the death of Internet Explorer
Published in News

End of an error

Microsoft has officially confirmed the impending retirement of its Internet Explorer web browser and its replacement with Project Spartan. 

Monday, 11 June 2012 14:43

Microsoft defends do not track policy

internet explorer logo

We are doing no evil

internet explorer logo

Must have Xbox Live Gold to use it, however


Real survey proves hoax

Thursday, 03 November 2011 12:12

IE use falls


Can't claim more than half the web's traffic

Friday, 16 September 2011 10:06

No Flash support in next IE


Will drop plug-in support going forward