Published in Gaming

Gamespot's Alex Navarro quits

by on14 January 2008


Another one bites the dust


After the whole Gerstmann affair on CNET's gaming site, Gamespot, yet another reviewer has decided to leave Gamespot. According to Alex Navarro's comment to, his decision to leave has something to do with the Jeff situation.

Navarro has been working for Gamespot since 2003, and his last day will be January 24th. As every other CNET employee, Navarro refused to discuss the "Gerstmangate", as he says out of respect for those that are still working for the site. In his comment to, Navarro confirmed that the situation is hard for Gamespot at this time, but that there are still people trying to work hard and keep up the reputation and the name of the site.

If you recall, the first one that had this idea was Gamespot's freelancer, Frank Provo. According to Navarro, he might not be the last one to do this, and he wouldn't be shocked if others follow their lead. Gamespot's Editor-in-Chief, Ricardo Torres, had a brief press release stating that Navarro was "...a good guy [and] a hard worker. We're gonna miss him."

Another one bites the dust, and if this continues, the once-praised site might bite the dust. You can read's full story here.

Last modified on 16 January 2008
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