Published in Mobiles

Android reaches 1.5 million activations per day

by on17 April 2013

Still expect 1 billion by the end of the year

During his keynote at AllthingsD's Dive Into Mobile conference held in New York, Google's Executive Chairman, Eric Schmidt noted that Android is currently seeing 1.5 million activations per day.

The number of activations of Android devices constantly keeps rising and 1.5 million per day is a nice and hefty nubmer up from 1.3 million per day last fall. Last month, Android was seeing 1.4 million activations.

Schmidt also noted that Google still plans to have a total of one billion devices by the end of the year and way for it to happen, as well as to reach the "next five billion people looking to get connected", are devices with the US $100 price point, something that Google plans to get to pretty soon.

More here.

Last modified on 17 April 2013
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