Published in Gaming

Activision ban gains in strength

by on11 August 2009


How not to treat fans

A player
boycott of Activision seems to be growing in strength.

The online boycott was sparked after the outfit jacked up the price of of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in many European regions to £54.99. The price of the PC version also went up from the usual $49.99 to $59.99.

Activision's CEO Robert Kotick told investors that he wanted to raise the prices even further. A boycott group which currently spans to over 8,173 signatures at the time of this writing in which majority of the blame is being passed on to Activisions CEO.

In addition to the boycott group, a gamer by the name JO-L is also expressing his anger through an 8 minute video supporting the boycott group. It seems that in a desire for earning cash Activision has miffed its fan base. Odds are on that its software will become the most pirated in Europe.

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