Streaming overtakes satellite and cable TV for the first time
At least in the UK
The number of British people subscribing to TV services like Netflix, Amazon and Sky’s NOW TV, has overtaken traditional satellite and cable TV for the first time, media regulator Ofcom has announced.

Most Americans listen to streaming music
Apparently the most popular music in the world is made by a male duck
Beancounters working for Nielsen have added up some numbers and divided by their shoe size and reached the conclusion that most Americans get their music streamed to them.

Netflix offers some content offline
Smartphones and tablets
Netflix has finally listened to many people who travel and complained about the need for offline content. With the last update of Netflix applications, users around the world in 188 countries where Netflix is available can download some content.

Spotify makes $15 Family plan
To match Apple and Google’s offering
Spotify is the last of big streaming names to finally settle for a US $15 plan that will cover all of your family, or at last up to five people.

Vevo has 17 Billion legal video playbacks
YouTube is the devil claims Metallica's manager
Vevo might be the new MTV for millennials, who might not know MTV that played music a few decades ago. Vevo CEO Erik Huggers had an interview at a Hunter Walk blog talking about YouTube, subscription base and the future.

Sony to release 4K streaming
Ultra good to go
Sony is launching its 4K movie streaming service which will mean consumers of its tellies can buy movies from the service, and stream to supported Sony 4K TV sets.

ARM releases 4K Mali-DP650
4K streaming from your phone
ARM has announced a new mobile graphics chip, the Mali-DP650 which it said was designed to handle 4K content a device's screen and on an external display.

Bowie's last video sets record for Vevo
Beats Adele and Justin Bieber, not literally but tragically
David Bowie's video released just three days before his death has set an absolute record for the Vevo video streaming platform.

Roku 4 learns 4K for $129
Can find a remote for you
The next generation TV console battle has begun and most of the modern TV consoles learnt how to play with 4K. Now the new Roku 4 is not an exception and the $129 console is ready to fight Fire TV and the Agents of Shield.

Chromecast 2.0 is round and $35 / €39
Available today in 17 countries
Chromecast has an updated version, changed its shape, learned 802.11ac Wi-Fi and hopefully it is doing a better job than its predecessor.