GPU farmers are making a killing
Published in AI

And on that farm he had a GPU 

CoreWeave, which started as a crypto miner, has just bagged a whopping €1.02 billion ($1.1 billion) in fresh dosh from backers like Coatue, Fidelity, and Altimeter Capital as big money wants to invest in AI.

UK government needs to do more to sort out AI
Published in AI

House of Lords committee wants more competition and less agreeing with Big Tech

A Lords committee is laying into the government, demanding that market competition in artificial intelligence (AI) be made “an explicit policy objective”.

Apple fanboys start whinging as Vision Pro costs them
Published in AI

You can’t even off-load them on eBay

Apple fanboys are talking about how depressed the failure of the Vision Pro has made them feel.

Top vole declares AI “newest wave of creation”
Published in AI

We are now gods

Head of Microsoft AI, Mustafa Suleyman, told the gathered throngs at TED 2024 that artificial intelligence (AI) was "the newest wave of creation since the start of life on Earth.”

AI on phones might be a bad idea
Published in AI

Power hungry

While the likes of Apple are trying to stuff something called AI onto its iPhones, there is a downside to the technology that no one appears to have considered – AI takes up a lot of charge.