The story of the immortal Windows Format drive dialogue box
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Frozen in time

Former Microsoft coder Dave Plummer has revealed the story behind the Windows Format drive dialogue box, which is now 30 years old.

Apple’s Walled garden under siege
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DoJ and Fanboys are at its Gates

Apple’s fruity empire is under siege as a barrage of lawsuits accuses the tech titan of strong-arming the smartphone realm. The legal onslaught, which piggybacks on a colossal antitrust case by the US Justice Department and a posse of 15 states, has seen at least three class actions lobbed at the iPhone maker since last Friday.

Tech titans try to break Nvidia's AI stranglehold
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Ganging up to bring an end to tyranny

A coalition of tech giants, including Qualcomm, Google, and Intel, is set to challenge Nvidia's stronghold by targeting the software that binds developers to Nvidia's chips. They join a growing band of financiers and firms chipping away at Nvidia's AI supremacy.

Misplaced trust in Apple nearly ends in tragedy
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Lucky no one was killed

In a shocking display of blind faith in Silicon Valley's shiny gadgets, a pair of Apple zealots nearly caused a fatal disaster, all thanks to the tech giant's "Findmy" fiasco.

Apple's bezel battle
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Trimming a bit off the sides

The Tame Apple Press is apparently so desperate to whip up a frenzy over the next iPhone 16 that it is scratching its head to find something in the rumours that makes it sound interesting. Apparently, the big news is that Job’s Mob going to shave a bit off the bezel.

Musk's free speech facade flops
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It turns out you can’t use your money to silence other people’s free speech

Elon [look at me] Musk's social media giant X has been left red-faced after a judge threw out its lawsuit against the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a group that's been shining a light on the dark corners of hate speech online.

Beijing purges US big tech
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China's chip chop

China's tech titans are giving Uncle Sam's silicon the old heave-ho, with new rules booting out Yankie processors and software from government gear.

Intel’s German site construction delayed by ancient warriors
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This is not a repeat from 9AD

Chipzilla’s future chip fab site in Germany has been buzzing with the news that archaeologists have found burial mounds packed with human and animal bones dating back a whopping. 6,000 years.

Fujitsu freezes future in Ireland
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Opts for contract commitment over new ventures

Fujitsu has told its employees to stop chasing new business in its Republic of Ireland division and instead concentrate on fulfilling existing contracts.

Onerep purged from Firefox
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Onerep's CEO admitted creating multiple people-search networks

Big cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have announced it is phasing out its recent partnership with Onerep. This identity protection service was newly integrated into Firefox to help users remove their details from numerous people-search websites.