IBM gets out of the facial recognition business
Published in News

Calls for social justice reforms

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna called on the US Congress to create reforms to advance racial justice and combat systemic racism while announcing the company was getting out of the facial recognition business.

IBM cuts jobs
Published in News
Monday, 25 May 2020 12:04

IBM cuts jobs

Not saying how many

IBM cut an unspecified number of jobs across the US, eliminating employees in at least five states.

IBM and Red Hat show off 5G edge plans
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 05 May 2020 12:00

IBM and Red Hat show off 5G edge plans

Full to the brim

Big Blue and Red Hat have been sharing their ideas to integrate 5G into the edge.

IBM withdraws annual forecast
Published in News
Tuesday, 21 April 2020 12:22

IBM withdraws annual forecast

COVID-19 changing everything

IBM has withdrawn its 2020 annual forecast due to the impact of the COVID-19.

Speech recognition systems understand white people
Published in News

They are more like us

Speech recognition systems from five of the world's biggest tech companies -- Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM and Microsoft -- make far fewer errors with users who are white than with users who are black.

IBM commercialises AI communication
Published in AI
Monday, 16 March 2020 11:03

IBM commercialises AI communication

Will help our machine overlords understand us better

IBM is commercialising a new technology that makes it easier for computers to understand human communication.

IBM sues Airbnb
Published in News
Friday, 13 March 2020 12:36

IBM sues Airbnb

Nicked four of our patents

IBM is taking Airbnb to court over what it claims is the illegal use of four patents -- the latest in a string of suits against online companies.

IBM snubs Microsoft Teams
Published in News
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 11:10

IBM snubs Microsoft Teams

Cuts it some Slack instead

Big Blue has snubbed Microsoft's Microsoft Teams and chosen Slack for its more than 350,000 employees it what is being seen as a big test for the software.

Big Blue has management shake-up
Published in News
Friday, 31 January 2020 09:25

Big Blue has management shake-up

Krishna takes top role

IBM named Arvind Krishna as chief executive officer, replacing longtime CEO Virginia Rometty.

IBM takes a step towards argument mining
Published in News
Thursday, 23 January 2020 12:11

IBM takes a step towards argument mining

Is this the five minute or the ten minute argument?

IBM has taken a big step towards developing an artificial intelligence technique known as argument mining.