Iphone X continues to fail
Published in News
Monday, 05 March 2018 11:34

Iphone X continues to fail

Cash cow on life support

Apple's overpriced under-specced iPhone X is going to continue to cause Jobs' Mob suffering while generating much entertainment to those of us who get to say "we told you so" rather a lot lately.

Wall Street wakes up to the power of FinFET
Published in PC Hardware

Make it or die

Leading Wall Street analyst JPMorgan has decided that FinFET technology is going to do wonders to the top chip capital equipment companies bottom lines.

Minor security error responsible for JP Morgan breach
Published in News

Two step security overlooked

It is starting to look like a minor network security error was responsible for the huge JP Morgan breach this year.

Friday, 03 October 2014 13:27

JP Morgan hack was one of the biggest

83 million accounts compromised