The trend of Wii U titles needing so much space for day one updates could be a sign that the 8GB Wii U simply does not provide enough storage over the long term; this means that owners of the 8GB units will be looking at adding external storage, be that USB flash drive or USB hard disk to provide the necessary storage.
With only about 3GB of actual storage space remaining that users can use on the 8GB unit, the updates could be an issue over the long haul. Right now, if a user downloads the day one updates for a number of the most popular titles that have been released for the Wii U so far, the user could end up needing as much as 400MB to 700MB of space.
Perhaps one good thing is that owners are able to delete these updates to free up space, but of course if you want to play the title again, you are then forced to download the update again. Perhaps the fact that these updates can be downloaded in the background is a good thing. Still, we have to think that at the rate we are going with the size of the updates, it does lead one to really question the long-term usability of the 8GB version or the cost without adding additional storage.