DualShock controller not part of PS4?
Sources say that is Sony’s go forward plan
Sources are whispering to us that in a decision that is sure to be very controversial, Sony has decided that the DualShock controller will not be a part of the PlayStation 4 package. Instead, it will be replaced by what is being described to us as a redesigned game pad that is said to include biometric sensors built into the grips, as well as an LCD touch screen in the center of the controller.
While the package that comes with the console will include these new controllers, it is believed that Sony will offer backward compatibility to allow the use of the SIXAXIS and DualShock 3 controllers with the system.
The SIXAXIS and DualShock 3 are favorites with Sony fans; and while a new design could open up new options and technology for developers to make use of, Sony will have to be very careful to not draw criticism for its controller design. In 2005, Sony showed a new Boomerang controller design for the PS3 that attracted significant criticism, not to mention a few laughs. It was killed, and the company returned to the DualShock design that gamers are familiar with.