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Apple fanboys force women to smile

by on10 September 2015

Apple's way to "fix" women

It appears that the fruity cargo cult, Apple managed to offend half the population yesterday by insisting that a woman who was pouting was not beautiful and needed software to "fix her face" to force her look pretty by smiling.

The incident was part of the Apple Surface Tablet, er the iPad Pro launch and was supposed to show the photography skills of the "new" tablet..

Cnet hackette Rachel King tweeted: "Did they really just use Photoshop in a demo to force a woman to smile? How is this really happening?"

Well if you lived in the 1950s it happened all the time. It is just you don't expect to see it from a company which is supposed to be cutting edge.

 What was scarier was that after he did it, the audience applauded rather than throwing excrement at him for his backward behaviour. Still it was an Apple event, they are a bit like Tory party conferences where you get applauded for being able to say your name right,

In PR terms it is like saying to men that if "your woman is grumpy at you for being a sexist pig, all you need to do is use our software to "fix her" and "make her smile."

It was traditional Apple arrogance and a sexist lack of information about how women work which lead them to a demonstration conclusion that a women's problems can be photoshopped away. No wonder Apple fanboys tend to live at home with their mothers and are never allowed to touch another woman.


In short this is a PR own goal which is backfiring on Apple big time. Pictures are starting to appear all over the interwebs of women trying to make themselves smile.  We hope that it might take off big time.  Then Apple might be forced to start looking at ways it treats half its customers.  Its staff are mostly white men, but you can tell that by stunts like this,

Last modified on 10 September 2015
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