OpenAI pulls AI detector tool
Published in AI

To be fair it didn't work very well

OpenAI has quietly pulled a took which promised to detect if content had been created using generative AI tools

Cerebras Systems and G42 network nine AI supercomputers
Published in AI

Proves the existance of rice pudding before it is switched on 

Cerebras Systems and G42 have introduced the Condor Galaxy project, a network of nine interconnected supercomputers designed for AI model training with a combined performance of 36 FP16 ExaFLOPs.

US coppers use AI to tell if you are committing a crime
Published in AI

All in your driving 

US coppers are using AI and a database of 1.6 billion license plate records collected over the last two years to check if people are using their cars to commit crimes.

Apple nearly ready to invent AI
Published in AI

Just does not know what to do with it

The Tame Apple Press, which has been facing an existential crisis because Jobs Mob failed to see the rise of AI, is claiming that it has invented it, but has not told anyone.

Germans are upset that ChatGPT-3.5 lacks a sense of humour
Published in AI

So it must be bad

Two German boffins, Sophie Jentzsch and Kristian Kersting, released a paper that examines the ability of OpenAI's ChatGPT-3.5 to understand and generate humour.