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Amazon claims it is not a big online platform
Published in Cloud

Trying to evade EU rules 

Mega-online retailer Amazon claims that it does not need to comply with Europe's Digital Services Act because it is too small to meet the definition of a Very Large Online Platform under EU law.

US government tells China to get off of its cloud
Published in Cloud

Restrictions getting sillier by the day

The Biden administration is preparing to restrict Chinese companies access to U.S. cloud-computing services, WSJ reported Tuesday, citing people familiar with the situation, in a move that could further strain relations between the world's economic superpowers.

Google moans to FTC about Microsoft cloud
Published in Cloud

Tweedledum and Tweedledee 

Google has formally filed a complaint to the US Federal Trade Commission, publicly alleging that Microsoft used its dominant position in enterprise software to push customers toward Vole's cloud services.

Amazon releases mysterious Snow
Published in Cloud

You know nothing about Snow

Amazon Web Services has announced a new member of its "Snow" family of on-prem hardware -- but the machine’s specs appear not to be available to eyes outside the US military.

Google expands intelligent cloud into healthcare
Published in Cloud

Helping medical professionals find patent information

Google's cloud business is expanding its use of new artificial intelligence technologies in health care. It allows medical professionals at Mayo Clinic to find patient information using tools powering the latest chatbots quickly.