Blackberry Vienna leaks
Published in Mobiles
12 November 2015

Blackberry Vienna leaks

It means nothing to me

Blackberry’s first Android Priv is doing rather well, but now it appears that the ‘other fruity cult’ is about to release another one.

Acer opens up Predator 8 for pre-orders
Published in Mobiles

Week late

Acer has finally opened up pre-orders for its first gaming tablet – the Predator 8.

Blackberry Android praised
Published in Mobiles

Costs too much to spend a penny in Blackberry Priv

BlackBerry’s first Android-based device and those privy to the launch praised its design but dumped on it is heavy price tag.

Apple rumoured to be thinking small
Published in Mobiles

VW of tech too late to think big

Jumping on the phablet bandwagon years behind the rest of the market cost the VW of tech, Apple,  big dollars, so now it is rumoured to be thinking small in a bid to claw back its “innovation” image.

Officially released, Kirin 950 can manage 2.53 GHz
Published in Mobiles

Cortex A72 with 16nm TSMC FinFET

Huawei, the company that is probably the hardest to pronounce in tech has officially unveiled its Kirin 950 first FinFET 16nm based processor.