Dutch spooks warn about Fortinet VPN hack
Published in News

Some users might still be vulnerable

Cyber attackers, believed to be working for the Chinese government, breached over 20,000 VPN devices sold by Fortinet by exploiting a critical vulnerability that remained undisclosed by the company for a fortnight post-repair.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 isn't 309GB
Published in Gaming

… well not typically

Activision has clarified that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 isn't 309GB after all – or at least, you can download the guts of it for less.

Adobe promises that creative genius will belong to users after all
Published in AI

You have not sold your soul

Following a huge backlash, Adobe made it crystal clear in their latest blog post that they're not going to use your creative masterpieces to train their AI.

Stability AI messed up its own AI again
Published in AI

Keeping US puritans happy creates monsters 

Stability AI’s Stable Diffusion 3 Medium has been borked by its desperate attempt to keep US puritans happy.

MediaTek working on ARM for Windows SoC
Published in PC Hardware

Will push it as soon as Qualcomm's exclusivity deal expires

According to a report from Reuters, MediaTek is allegedly working hard on an ARM-based SoC for Windows-based laptops and could launch it as soon as Qualcomm's exclusivity deal expires.