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Beware of Facebook warns Obama

by on09 September 2009


It will haunt you

Kids of
today who want to grow up to be the president of the United States will have to be really careful what they stick on their Facebook pages, warned President Barack Obama.

Speaking to a student at an Arlington, Virginia school who asked him in a roundtable how he could get to be president, Obama warned that Facebook postings come back to haunt you. He said that employers may be mining social networking sights for background information on job applicants. Obama said that everyone should be careful what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life.

He said that when you're young you make mistakes and you do some stupid stuff which is all really cool until the they go apply for a job, don't get it. Obama's advice about the perils of modern technology were born of bitter experience, as he has fallen victim to the YouTube age of modern campaign politics several times himself when off-the-cuff remarks or events have shown up on web videos or blogs.

His 2008 election campaign was rocked by past speeches by his former pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright which were posted on YouTube. His own words that some Pennsylvanians when sapped by job losses become bitter and cling to guns and religion, showed up on the Huffington Post blog, causing a political furor.
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