Published in AI

AI lovers are data thieves, says Mozilla

by on15 February 2024

They will boil your bunny 

AI girlfriends and boyfriends are not your mates and are only with you to harvest your data, warned Mozilla’s Misha Rykov from the firm's *Privacy Not Included project.

For those who came in late, AI girlfriends and boyfriends are sold to make you feel better, but they're good at making you feel miserable, lonely, and hooked while nicking as much data as they can from you.

Rykov said that Mozilla looked at 11 AI romance chatbots, including dodgy apps like Replika, Chai, Romantic AI, EVA AI Chat Bot & Soulmate, and CrushOn.AI.

Everyone got the Privacy Not Included label, making these chatbots some of the worst things Mozilla has ever seen.

You've heard about data nightmares before, but Mozilla says AI lovers invade your privacy in "creepy new ways."

For example, CrushOn.AI snoops on things like your sexual health, your meds, and your gender stuff. Ninety per cent of the apps might flog or share your data for ads and other things, and more than half won't let you get rid of the data they nick. Security was also rubbish.

Only one app, Genesia AI Friend & Partner, passed Mozilla's basic security test.

One of the most shocking things Mozilla found was the trackers in these apps. Mozilla found the AI lover apps used an average of 2,663 trackers a minute, but that number was bumped up by Romantic AI, which used a whopping 24,354 trackers in just one minute of using the app.

 The privacy mess is even worse because the apps make you share much more personal things than the stuff you might put into a normal app.

EVA AI Chat Bot & Soulmate tells users to "share all your secrets and desires" and asks for photos and voice recordings. It's worth noting that EVA was the only chatbot that didn't get slagged off for how it uses that data, though the app did have security issues.

Last modified on 15 February 2024
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