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Apple’s iPhone X has difficulty with Chinese
Published in Mobiles

You all look the same to me

Apple’s comedy facial recognition system on its overpriced iPhone X appears to have a few difficulties telling Chinese apart.

Consumer Reports rubbishes iPhone X
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 07 December 2017 12:42

Consumer Reports rubbishes iPhone X

iPhone 8 is better

US consumer group Consumer Reports has rubbished Apple’s iPhone X and claims that Jobs' Mob’s iPhone 8 was a better phone despite being much cheaper.

Apple allows iPhone X out into the cold for first time
Published in News

Just in time for Winter

The fruity tax dodging cargo cult Apple has apparently fixed a flaw with in its over-priced iPhone X which caused it to stop working if the temperature dropped below freezing.

Kid breaks into his mum’s iPhone X
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 20 November 2017 14:46

Kid breaks into his mum’s iPhone X

Super-secure tech destroyed by a ten-year-old

A 10 year old kid broke into his mother’s over-priced, super-secure  iPhone X just by looking at it.

Iphone X face recognition insecure
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 14 November 2017 11:55

Iphone X face recognition insecure

You probably were not expecting this

The “killer app” on the overpriced iPhone X, its facial recognition system, has a glaring security hole caused by poor programming.

iPhone X has yet more problems
Published in News
Monday, 13 November 2017 16:22

iPhone X has yet more problems

Ears to you, Mrs. Robinson

There seem to be more local problems popping up on Apple’s latest super expensive iPhone X.

Iphone X cost $370 to make
Published in News
Friday, 10 November 2017 12:45

Iphone X cost $370 to make

Boldly going where no mark-up has gone before

While the Tame Apple Press is trying to convince you that the iPhone X is packed full of new technology, it appears that it only cost Jobs’ Mob $100 extra to make.

iPhone X can’t handle British winter
Published in News
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:26

iPhone X can’t handle British winter

Expensive phone freezes

British Apple fanboys who emptied their bank accounts to buy Apple’s hugely overpriced gadget are finding that it cannot handle the cold British weather.

Apple admits iPhone X has screen problems
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 07 November 2017 10:57

Apple admits iPhone X has screen problems

You get what you pay for

Apple has admitted that its overpriced iPhone X is suffering from the same screen problems as its rivals who had the misfortune of also putting out OLED screens.

iPhone X Gigabit modem won't fly
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 07 November 2017 10:23

iPhone X Gigabit modem won't fly

Will be capped for Intel sake

There is no big surprise that iPhone X uses Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X16 modem and is capable of Gigabit LTE speed, but since Intel version doesn’t support this speed, both phones will be capped at the lower speed.