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Apple given six months to sort out iPadOS

by on30 April 2024

Must follow the same rules as everyone else

Fruity cargo cult Apple his being corralled by the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) to bring its iPadOS into line.

The Commission is concerned that Jobs’ Mob is being a tad iron-fisted control over its ecosystem and has given it six months dance to the tune of the DMA's rules.

The EU's mandate is clear: no more playing favourites with its services or keeping users shackled within its digital empire.

The DMA's decree is akin to flinging a grenade into the carefully manicured orchard of Apple's walled garden. Third-party app stores, once banished from the realm of the iPhone, are now sprouting up across Europe, and it seems the iPad will be the next to have its gates flung open.

Apple, in a notable shift, has expressed its willingness to 'constructively engage' with the European Commission to ensure compliance with the new regulations, a move that reflects the influence of the DMA on the company's operations.

Margrethe Vestager, the Executive Vice-President at the helm of competition policy at the European Commission, has declared that iPadOS is a crucial platform for numerous businesses to connect with their clientele. She asserts that the day's ruling is a victory for maintaining fairness and competitiveness on this digital stage.

The days of Jobs' Mob dictating terms may be numbered, as the EU's regulatory hammer seeks to crack open the monopoly and let a little competitive sunshine in.

Last modified on 30 April 2024
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