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Republican’s shun the Apple fanboy vote

by on26 February 2016

There are more important things than Apple

About the only thing that US republican presidential hopefuls can agree on is that Apple should stop mucking around and hack the San Bernardino terrorist's iPhone 5C for the FBI.

Marco Rubio used the strongest words pointing out that the FBI was not asking Apple to create a backdoor to encryption.

"Apple doesn't want to do it because they think it hurts their brand. Well, let me tell you their brand is not superior to the United State of America."

This means that Rubio is off Apple’s Christmas card list – after all to the Apple cult, nothing is superior to Jobs’ Mob’s true and holy brand.

Writing off Apple saying it is merely protecting its brand is a good argument.

Republican candidate Ben Carson, who has previously stated that the pyramids were grain silos used by Joseph for Pharaoh, said that all morality is on the government's side.

He said that “allowing terrorists to get away with things is bad for America,” he said.

John Kasich blamed President Barack Obama's for not getting everyone into a room and locking the door until an agreement is reached. 

Donald Trump has called for a boycott on Apple products, although he did sent the call from his iPhone.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is still trying to win the hearts and minds of people and as a result is starting to look slightly batty. He kept saying the world "cancer" to describe what the FBI wanted. Everyone knows that it was cancer which killed off Steve Jobs so it is an emotive word to use. Even Gizmono is calling Cook’s statements to court “deranged” and showed this court text to prove that he has gone the way of conspiracy nuts.



Last modified on 26 February 2016
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