Microsoft prepares own goal with Windows 10 S
Published in News

Forcing itself onto the Edge

Software king of the world Microsoft is set to undo itself completely over Windows 10 by forcing punters to use its Edge browser and its god-awful Bing search engine.

There's a hardware bloodbath over education
Published in AI

Apple, Google and Microsoft need no education

A hardware war is brewing over the US education market with Apple, Google and Microsoft mud-wrestling for the hearts and minds of educators and school districts.

Microsoft prepares Office desktop apps for Windows
Published in News

A transition from full-fledged Win32 apps to UWP

Microsoft is preparing to bring its full suite of Office desktop applications to the Windows Store, according to a statement from Windows chief Terry Myerson during the company’s education-focused event on Tuesday morning.

Microsoft Windows 10 S surfaces
Published in News
Tuesday, 02 May 2017 20:49

Microsoft Windows 10 S surfaces

With some restrictions, it's fair to say

During a press event in New York City today, Microsoft Windows boss Terry Myerson took the stage to announce Windows 10 S, a new version of the company’s operating system designed at undermining the rise of low cost Chromebooks in American classrooms.

Microsoft unveils Surface Laptop for students
Published in AI

14.5 hour battery life, 2.76 pounds, Windows 10 S

During Microsoft’s “Learn What’s Next” event this morning in New York City, the company showed off a new Surface Laptop for $999 aimed primarily at students with a focus on extending battery life beyond its nearest competition.

Microsoft's fifth-generation Surface could be ARM-based
Published in AI

First time since Surface 2 in 2013

Last week we wrote that Qualcomm is preparing to release a Snapdragon 835-based Windows 10 notebook by the end of 2017, ending three and a half years of x86 dominance that has proliferated the industry since the discontinuation of Windows RT in late 2013.

Windows 10 Creators Update on 10 percent of updated PCs
Published in News

Out of ten vendors, Microsoft and MSI lead the pack

According to the latest report from AdDuplex, which collects statistics from Windows 10 machines, only 10 percent of eligible PCs have the Creators Update (version 1703) installed, while 82.1 percent are on the Anniversary Update (version 1607) released last summer.

Microsoft changes Windows update programme
Published in News

Two feature updates a year

Software King of the World, Microsoft, is making a few changes to how it will service Windows, Office 365 ProPlus and System Center Configuration Manager.

Patch for Win 7 dinosaurs who want modern chips
Published in PC Hardware

Windows 7 shall still rule the earth

Software King of the World, Microsoft has made it clear that it does not want users of Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Bristol Ridge CPUs using Windows 7.

Microsoft puts quantum computing on ice
Published in Cloud
Thursday, 20 April 2017 09:47

Microsoft puts quantum computing on ice

Cool for potentially dead or alive cats 

Software king of the world Microsoft has some rather cool quantum computing plans which involves rather a lot of ice.