Musk claims he has "the world's most powerful AI training cluster"
Published in AI

For a man of his size

Elon [look at me] Musk took time out from his daughter’s comments about him being on ketamine to claim that he had started training "the world's most powerful AI training cluster" at xAI's new supercomputer facility in Memphis, Tennessee.

Video game performers strike again over AI
Published in AI

Talks break down

Hollywood’s video game performers voted to go on strike on Thursday, causing another work stoppage in the entertainment industry after talks for a new contract with significant game studios broke down over AI protections.

Too much data can  cause an AI model to collapse
Published in AI

Scraping from other models is a bad thing.

A new study published in Nature has found that training AI models using datasets created by other AI models can lead to “model collapse,” where the models start producing increasingly nonsensical outputs over time.

Zuckerberg: Open Source AI would be better for the US
Published in AI

The Chinese are only going to steal it anyway

Facebook Cyber Leader, Mark Zuckerberg claims that it is far better for the US if AI was open sauce.

Artificial intelligence is a major growth area
Published in AI

Will reach $5.26 trillion this year

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to be a major growth area this year and beyond according to analysts Gartner.