Microsoft builds own Linux kernel
Published in IoT
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 11:01

Microsoft builds own Linux kernel

To run secure IoT – not bad for what it used to call "cancer"

Software king of the world Microsoft has knocked up its own version of the Linux kernal to run a secure end-to-end IoT product that focuses on microcontroller-based devices.

Symantec’s Windows kernel loading anti-virus is a nightmare
Published in News

Who would have thunk it?

Symantec hit on a wizard wheeze for creating a more secure version of windows by jacking its security software into the kernel.

Linux Game of Thrones begins
Published in News
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 14:43

Linux Game of Thrones begins

Linux kernel forked over bad manners expect a high body count

A Game of Thrones style war has broken out amongst the weirdie beardies of Open Source Land which has now split the Linux kingdom just as "Winter is a Coming."