Red Hat will hire less senior engineers
Need to save a bit of cash
IBM's Red Hat plans to cut back on hiring senior engineers in an effort aimed largely at controlling costs.

Red Hat releases Enterprise Linux 8.3
Available soon
Red Hat has announced its Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 which will be out soon.

IBM and Red Hat show off 5G edge plans
Full to the brim
Big Blue and Red Hat have been sharing their ideas to integrate 5G into the edge.

Red Hat and IBM take on Oracle
Tells the supremes that APIs cannot be copyrighted
Red Hat and IBM jointly filed their own amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the "Google vs. Oracle" case, arguing that APIs cannot be copyrighted.

Nuvia ARM server startup hires Jon Carvill
Austin office and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM
Nuvia is the new name that can disrupt the fallen ARM server market, and just ten days after announcing the company, it made another significant announcement. Nuvia hired Jon Carvill as Vice president of Nuvia marketing and Jon Masters from RedHat IBM as Vice President of Software and opened an office in Austin (home of AMD and Samsung).

Mozilla, Intel, Red Hat and Fastly team up on software
WebAssembly cheerleaders
Mozilla, Intel, Red Hat and Fastly today announced the launch of the Bytecode Alliance, a new open-source group that focuses on “creating new software foundations, building on standards such as WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI)".

Red Hat finance chief fired
Loses four million
Red Hat finance chief Eric Shander has been dismissed from the company, forfeiting a $4 million retention award that was agreed ahead of Red Hat's acquisition by IBM.

Big Blue closes Red Hat deal
Its largest ever deal
IBM has closed its $34 billion acquisition of Red Hat.

IBM likely to get Red Hat blessing
EU tips hat
Biggish Blue is set to get bigger are securing unconditional EU approval for its $34 billion bid for software company Red Hat.

Big Blue buys Red Hat
$34 billion deal
IBM is acquiring software maker Red Hat in a deal valued at $34 billion, the companies said Sunday.