5G likely to be C-band
Published in Mobiles
05 December 2017

5G likely to be C-band

ABI research thinks 5G is all at C

According to new findings from ABI Research, while the use of mmWave is one of the most distinguishing features of 5G, in the near term the C-Band is emerging with the most global consensus for the timely launch of commercial 5G network in 2019.

Apple’s Intel iPhone X much slower than Qualcomm models
Published in Mobiles

Users pay for Apple’s spat

Apple users are having to pay in terms of performance if they are stuck with an iPhone X with an Intel modem.

Aussie loses job for putting his PDA in a Twisties packet
Published in Mobiles

Labour Court decides he knew what he was doing

A 60 year old electrician from Perth was rather cross when his firm handed out PDAs.

Qualcomm to live cast the new Snapdragon birth
Published in Mobiles

December 5 at 10:30am PST/1:30 PM EST/ 6:30pm GMT

If you have been wondering what is going on with the Snapdragon 835 successor, Qualcomm confirmed last week that it plans to livecast the Second Annual Snapdragon Technology Summit Keynote.

Trump wants to purge White House of mobiles
Published in Mobiles

Not his of course 

Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump is rather attached to his mobile phone which he uses to make pronouncements through his Twitter account at all hours.