Apple wants a smaller iPhone
Published in Mobiles

Because being bigger has already been done

Fruity Cargo Cult Apple thinks that it will steal a march on its competitors by making its iPhone too small for Apple fanboy’s fat pudgy fingers to tap out a message.

Gartner sees smartphone market grow
Published in Mobiles

15.5 Percent up on last year

Smartphone sales soared 15.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015 compared to this time last year.

Tablet doom will harm Android
Published in Mobiles

Microsoft should be happy

Beancounters at IDC claim that the decline of tablets will harm Android but prop up the windows operating system

Ballmer says Windows should support Android apps
Published in Mobiles

Quietly commenting on the side lines

The shy and retired former Microsoft CEO Steve “there is a kind of hush” Ballmer has suggested that his former company has called for Redmond to make its windows software run android apps.

Foxconn wants to get into second-hand phone biz
Published in Mobiles

One owner, old lady used it to SMS her grandson

Foxconn is piling cash into the second-hand smartphone market as part of its efforts to promote environmental protection globally.