Published in
Wednesday, 13 November 2019 12:58
Intel fixes something it said fixed six months ago
Dutch researchers found Intel's patch only fixed some of the issues
Chipzilla has issued a patch for some processor vulnerabilities which were supposed to have been fixed in an earlier patch it released six months ago.

Published in
PC Hardware
Monday, 19 February 2018 11:59
Intel sued 32 times over flaws
Spectre and Meltdown attracts lawyers like flies
Chipzilla has said that shareholders and customers had filed 32 class action lawsuits against the company in connection with recently-disclosed security flaws in its microchips.

Published in
Thursday, 07 April 2016 13:41
Quanta vies for least secure router title
Has 20 flaws
Quanta appears to be hoping to win the title for creating the world’s least secure routers.
Wednesday, 04 August 2010 10:19
Apple looking at iPhone OS flaws

Not for security reasons