Human brain slower than dial up
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Particularly before coffee

Boffins researching the human brain have worked out that it processes information at 10 bits per second, which is slower than 1980’s dial up.

Computers can work like a human brain
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Boffins think the secret is walking between order and chaos

A team of boffins have walked away from their whiteboards, thinking they might have devised a way to make computer chips work more like the human brain.

Computer in brain is here
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Powered by your lungs

Boffins have worked out a way of powering a small computer in your brain by using your lungs.

Lab grown brain cells can play pong
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What is your excuse?

Boffins have grown brain cells in a lab that have learned to play the 1970s tennis-like video game, Pong.

Memtransistor one step closer to brain computing
Published in PC Hardware

Stores and processes information for when your own brain hurts 

Boffins at Northwestern University's McCormick School of Engineering have emerged from their smoke filled labs clutching a "memtransistor" which they claim is the closest thing we have to a computer chip that works a bit like the human brain.

ARM wants to put a chip in your brain
Published in PC Hardware

It is not as if you are using it

Chip manufacturer ARM is pairing with the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (CSNE) at the University of Washington to develop a line of brain-implantable systems-on-a-chip.

Boffins build network from rat brains
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Who needs Intel when you have a few rats?

Never mind silicon chips, the future of the computer is bio-mechanics and the parts can be found in your sewer.

Boffins want memristor brain chips
Published in PC Hardware

Memristors are better than silicon

Memristor could be the best chance to build chips which mimic the human brain. Not everyone's brain of course. There is no point mimicking the brain of someone who thinks that a Smartwatch is a pretty need idea, but rather the brain of someone who is a little more clever.


Aussie brain surgeon warns