Data centres are where AMD's profit lies
Published in News

AMD says there is gold in them thar hills 

AI computers might be stealing all the headlines, but AMD’s chief financial officer believes that their main source of profit is still data centres, with CPU cores being essential for many tasks.

Apple decides it is too fat and needs to lose weight
Published in PC Hardware

Wants to get back to what it was 10 years ago

The fruity cargo cult Apple has developed a middle-aged spread and decided to go back to the days when it was known for its slimness.

French court orders DNS blocks on Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco
Published in News

Only 800 people will be effected

A French court has mandated Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco to modify their DNS resolvers to block about 117 pirate sports streaming domains, as part of Canal+'s anti-piracy measures. This includes deindexing the sites from search results.

AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT drops down to $479.99
Published in Graphics

ASRock RX 7800 XT Challenger OC at

AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT has finally returned once again, pushing it back down to $479.99, at least for the ASRock RX 7800 XT Challenger model at

A million SQL Servers are out-of-date
Published in News

20 per cent unsupported

Lansweeper has warned about the widespread use of outdated Microsoft SQL Server versions in enterprises.