Russian hackers behind NHS blood testing hack
Published in News

Operations cancelled

A cybercriminal syndicate, believed to be the notorious Qilin group from Russia, has orchestrated a cyberattack on Synnovis, a blood testing company affiliated with the NHS.

Apple claims its Intelligence is illegal in the EU
Published in AI

Jobs’ Mob pauses European plans

The fruity cargo cult Apple has paused its “Apple Intelligence” roll out in Europe after claiming that its tech might be illegal.

Framework making moves towards RISC-V
Published in PC Hardware

New options arriving

The Framework Laptop 13 will have a  RISC-V motherboard option.

Amazon in the dock
Published in News

Unlawful Employee Termination

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) of the United States has lodged a formal complaint against the e-commerce behemoth Amazon.

Overclocker Vince "K|NGP|N" Lucido coming back under PNY
Published in Graphics

K|NGP|N GPUs are coming back

A well-known overclocker Vince "K|NGP|N" Lucido is making a comeback, switching from EVGA to PNY. Hopefully, we'll see some interesting RTX 50 series GPUs with the K|NGP|N stamp in the future.