Autocorrect Anarchy
Published in News

Not today Satan

 Brits with unique names are up in arms and demanding tech giants to stop the "name shaming" madness of autocorrect.

Apple and Starlink ally to take on security complaints
Published in News

An attack on one is an attack on the other

Fruity cargo cult Apple has teamed up with Elon [look at me] Musk’s Starlink to see off a report which shows them both up as a little insecure.

MSI Claw gets another boost in performance via BIOS update
Published in Gaming

In addition to the new MSI Center M update

MSI has announced that its Claw gaming handheld console just got another BIOS update and the new MSI Center M update, which should significantly improve performance.

G.Skill coming in force to Computex 2024
Published in News

New products, and three annual events

G.Skill has announced that it will be bringing its "A" game to the Computex 2024 show, including new DDR5 memory, peripherals, AIO CPU cooler, and PC cases, as well as annual events, including the 10th Annual OC World Record Stage 2024, the 8th Annual OC World Cup 2024, and the 4th Annual G.SKILL Extreme Mod Stage 2024.

Noctua releases HOME product line
Published in PC Hardware

Home, office, and other applications

Noctua has announced a whole new HOME product line, which focuses on cooling tasks other than PC cooling, while still using Noctua's fan technology. The lineup includes two complete sets as well as a total of nine modular accessories that make it usable in other applications

Intel’s Arrow Lake on target for Christmas
Published in News

When you’re in love, you’ll find those little arrows everywhere

Chipzilla is certain its Arrow Lake desktop gaming CPUs are “on track” to arrive in the last quarter of this year and that it's Lunar Lake mobile chips will arrive even sooner, in the third quarter of 2024.

The Internet is disappearing
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Pew, pew, pew

A recent study by Pew Research has found that the internet is vanishing, as web pages and online content are lost.

Thank goodness we dumped VMware
Published in News

Some customers were lucky

While some VMware customers are ruing the day Broadcom took over the company, others are really happy that they jumped ship when they had the chance.

Computer pioneer dies
Published in News

Bell tolls

Gordon Bell, a luminary in the field of computing and a revered figure in the preservation of its history, has died; he was 89.

Apple chucks its toys out of the pram
Published in Mobiles

How dare the US government call us a monopoly

The fruity cargo cult Apple announced that it will demand a US  judge to strike out a lawsuit brought forth by the Justice Department and 15 states in March, which accused the iPhone manufacturer of dominating the smartphone market, disadvantaging smaller competitors, and inflating prices.