Micron starts volume production of HBM3E
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Starts sampling 36GB 12-High HBM3E

Micron has announced it has begun volume production of the HBM3E (High Bandwidth Memory 3E) solution, which should bring superior performance, exceptional efficiency, as well as seamless scalability.

AMD launches Radeon RX 7900 GRE globally
Published in Graphics

Drops the RX 7700 XT price to $419

As rumored earlier, AMD has now officially launched the Radeon RX 7900 GRE globally, putting more pressure on Nvidia's Geforce RTX 4070 non-Super, and filling the gap between its own Radeon RX 7900 XT and the Radeon RX 7800 XT graphics cards. AMD has also adjusted the price or the Radeon RX 7700 XT down to $419.

Engineers saddled with unpaid work to get jobs
Published in News

…and it's getting worse

Crooked employers force developers to work for free by dangling the prospect of a job.

Apple’s expensive Vision Pro is cracking up
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Jobs’ mob rubs paws at prospect of making money repairing it

Apple Vision Pro owners are posting identical reports of a crack appearing on the front glass of their overpriced headsets.

India's tax plan could ruin its chip dreams
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Making the global shortage worse

India's plan to let a ban on imposing customs duties on cross-border digital e-commerce transactions run out may scupper India's more ambitious plans to become a global chip leader in the next five years, the industry has warned.

M&M machines spy on students' faces
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University rushes to remove them

Canada-based University of Waterloo is hurrying to remove M&M-branded smart vending machines from campus after furious students discovered the machines secretly collect facial-recognition data without their permission.

Toshiba laptop chargers go up in flames
Published in PC Hardware

15.5 million recalled

Dynabook Americas, the firm that used to be Toshiba, has recalled 15.5 million Toshiba laptop AC adapters over fears they could burn and set fire to your home.

Boeing boss sacked after jet door blows off in mid-air horror
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Someone had to take the blame

Boeing has axed Ed Clark, the chief of its 737 Max passenger jet programme, after a shocking and terrifying mid-air blowout in January exposed the ongoing problems with the jet.

Google's robocabs crash, burn and get recalled
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Just like human cars

Google's self-driving car firm Waymo is facing a backlash in its bid to launch 24/7 robotaxi service in other parts of California after a series of blunders that have sparked safety fears about the vehicles invading their towns.

Intel announces new 14A node at IFS Direct Connect 2024 event
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Clearwater Forest taped-out, five nodes goal still on track

During its Intel Foundry Services (IFS) Direct Connect 2024 event, Intel revealed a new roadmap that includes the new 14A node, the first on High-NA EUV. Intel was also keen to note that Clearwater Forest CPUs are taped out on an 18A node and that its ambitious "five nodes in four years" (5N4Y) plan is still on track.