Apple hits roadblock in modem design
Published in News

Not innovative enough to ditch Qualcomm  

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn, claiming that the fruity cargo cult Apple is being forced to delay the generation of its modem chips because it can’t get them to go.

Student plays video game on bugs
Published in News


A boffin from MIT has tried to turn a bunch of bugs into a telly to play the classic shoot-em-up game Doom, .

OpenAI's AI is no threat to humans, says study
Published in AI

Its your plastic pal who is fun to be with

The tech company OpenAI has claimed that its latest and greatest AI software, GPT-4, is not dangerous to humans, even if it falls into the wrong hands.

Musk's £44 billion pay deal gets busted by judge
Published in News

No one is worth that

The billionaire boss of Tesla, Elon [look at me] Musk, has been told to sling his hook by a Delaware judge who ruled his £44 billion pay deal was too much. The judge said the electric car maker's board was daft to give Musk such a huge package and scrapped it.

Baseus 65W Charger 2 PRO affordably charges notebook and two more device
Published in Reviews

 Baseus 65W GaN Charger 2 PRO Quick Charge 4.0 3.0 Type C PD USB Charger

This is a long-term review of the Baseus 65W GaN 2 PRO charger. I have used it for quite some time and always performed well. It can charge multiple devices simultaneously, including a notebook, phone, headphones, watch, or earbuds. It is often the only charger needed for daily use.

Russia in chaos as entire internet goes down
Published in News

Not Ukrainian hackers

Millions of Russians were left without access to the internet, as a technical glitch knocked out websites on the .ru domain.

Microsoft smashes profit forecasts thanks to AI
Published in News

Worth more than Apple now 

Software King of the World Microsoft has wowed investors with its latest results, showing a massive surge in profits thanks to getting its foot in the AI door early.

Raspberry Pi to go public
Published in News

Wants to make money for charity 

The makers of the tiny computer that powers everything from robots to smart fridges are set to float on the London Stock Exchange and rake in a fortune for their good causes.

Tame Apple Press starting to admit that the Vision Pro is pants
Published in IoT

Not ready to be released

After Jobs Mob lifted the embargo on the first wave of “non-curated reviews” of its Vision Pro headset the Tame Apple Press is being forced to admit publically that the gear is not ready for release.

Musk removes diversity claims from Tesla announcements
Published in Transportation

Drags company kicking and screaming into the 19th century

Carmaker Tesla has dropped a line about encouraging a diverse workforce from its annual filing.