According to comments on NeoGaf from Xbox Director of Product Planning, Albert Penello saying that he would wait till all of the info comes out and the dust settles before he will comment on the situation. He was not the only one with Microsoft Chief Staff for Devices and Studios Group Aaron Greenburg also commenting in his Twitter feed telling one fan that “You realize that you see every game in 1080p output, right?”. Later Greenburg clarified his comments by saying that he knows that upconversion isn’t the same thing has native rendering in 1080p.
The drama surrounding this has not stopped there with the news that Infinity Ward only made the decision a month ago to go with 720p rendering and upconversion to 1080p, because they could not hit a consistent 60fps at 1080p. While the developer admitted it was a new console and the first time that they had word with it, they seem to believe that if Microsoft feeded up more system resources the Xbox One performance could change dramatically.
While in the end the games will look very similar by all accounts, the news has upset the apple cart in an already rocky Xbox One launch. This close to the release of the console, this is about the worst news that could have come out and don’t think Sony isn’t going to benefit from the news. In the end however we expect Microsoft to make changes and tweaks to the system to continue to improve performance and that isn’t going to change and as things stand we still believe that either console is still a safe bet to purchase.
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