While it was hands-off during E3 2015 show, Project Quantum stole the show during AMD's Fury X launch at E3 2015 earlier this year. While it did showcase the small 4K/UHD capable system, AMD did not allow anyone to take a peak inside but did share some details about it, including the fact that it is equipped with a dual-Fiji graphics card.
A bit later, it was unveiled that it features a custom ASRock mini-ITX motherboard with Intel Core i7-4790K CPU, Crucial Ballistix RAM and AMD-branded SSD.
While PCWorld.com managed to get their hands on one Project Quantum prototype, AMD was careful enough to pull out the dual-Fiji graphics card and replace it with standard R9 Fury X but still, it is quite impressive to see how all the components were squeezed inside such a small case, despite the fact that the PSU is an external unit.
While AMD earlier said that users will be able to choose between Intel and AMD CPUs it is still not clear if and when Project Quantum will actually come to the market. Earlier rumors suggested that Project Quantum might come this fall, as soon as AMD launches its dual-GPU Fiji-based Fury graphics card.