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Microsoft to change 360 packaging

Will revise visual branding elements
Microsoft apparently has decided to update the visual branding elements associated with its Xbox 360 packaging. The decision does not really come as a surprise, as companies revise the branding elements to keep the packaging fresh, which many marketing experts believe helps things like impulse buying.
In the case of the Microsoft Xbox 360 packaging, the overhaul is more subtle; it features a stronger use of the Xbox 360 “green wave” elements while toning down the grey used in the “ball-X” logo from a dark grey to more of a silver look. It is thought that much of the decision to tweak the visual style a little bit has to do with the Natal launch and a desire by Microsoft to make things appear as fresh and new as possible.
Actually, from what we can tell, the decision to tweak the packaging and look will likely go unnoticed by buyers as it really isn’t all that different. Of course, we have seen these packaging changes over the years from a variety of video game manufacturers and we have never really seen it make that much of a difference to the buying public. In honor of the Natal launch and it being such a pivotal point for the platform’s development, the decision to make the change was really a no brainer.