Published in AI

Movie studios will move to AI for economic reasons

by on04 June 2024

It costs too much to make movies

The head of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), Tony Vinciquerra, has praised AI, saying that he values its economic benefits.

 He said movie Moghuls focused on AI because making films today is pricey.

Chatting to the gathered crowds at Sony's investor event, Vinciquerra said, "We will be looking at ways to produce films for theatres and television more efficiently, using AI primarily."

This represents one of the most robust endorsements for AI from a film studio executive.

Vinciquerra is aware of the potential controversy his statements might stir among creative professionals.

"We had an 8-month strike over AI last year," Vinciquerra initiated his reply to the first analyst question (from Nomura Securities) during the Q&A segment of the annual event. He recognised that the ongoing IATSE discussions and the upcoming Teamsters negotiations are "both over AI again."

The collective outcomes of these dialogues between Hollywood's workforce and its studios will shape how Vinciquerra and his peers can use AI.

"The agreements that emerged from last year's strikes and the agreements that result from the IATSE and Teamsters [negotiations] will roughly outline what we can do with AI," Vinciquerra said.

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