News - subcat

Half of Dell employees refuse to return to the office
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Workers are revolting

Gray box shifter Dell Technologies is facing internal resistance as it grapples with its return-to-office (RTO) policy.

Kraken accuses security researchers of extortion
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Release the Kraken

One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Kraken, has accused a group of security researchers of exploiting a critical bug to steal millions in digital cash.

IBM faces another age discrimination case
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This time, former top executives

Biggish Blue is facing another age discrimination lawsuit, this time alongside its spin-off company,  Kyndryl.

Microsoft back as the world’s most valuable company
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Nvidia and Apple slump back before the mighty Vole

Software King of the World Microsoft is back as the world's most valuable public company, just days after being surpassed by Nividia.

Sutskever wants to create Safe Superintelligence
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This will end well

Ilya Sutskever, one of the founders of OpenAI, has started a new company called Safe Superintelligence.