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Apple is the leader when it comes to European court action
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App store will be a test case

Apple, the fruity cargo cult, is likely to be the first to be caned under the EU’s shiny new digital laws to take on Big Tech titans.

Apple admits its AI will always lie
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Being creative with the truth

After arriving late to the AI race, the fruity cargo cult Apple has admitted its Apple intelligence will always tell lies.

Firefox stands up to Putin
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Reinstates anti-censorship add-ons

Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation have decided to reinstate Firefox add-ons that the Kremlin had banned earlier this week in Russia.

Former spook joins OpenAI
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Edward Snowden loses it

A retired U.S. Army general and ex-director of the NSA, Paul Nakasone, has joined OpenAI as the latest addition to its board.

AI faces off against Gray
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Virtually Integrated Citizen wants to be the next mayor

In Cheyenne, Wyoming, a new chap has thrown his hat into the political ring – and he’s not even human.