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EU goes to war with Apple
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Placing illegal restrictions on developers

Apple is imposing unfair restrictions on developers of apps for its App Store in violation of a new European Union law meant to encourage competition in the tech industry.

Microsoft's repairability revolution
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As easy to fix as they are to break

iFixit has bestowed a glowing 8 out of 10  on Vole's latest Surface Pro and Laptop devices for their repairability.

Apple’s Cook is the godfather of AI
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Claims analyst who needs to sleep with the fishes

In one of his more dafter statements Wedbush analyst Dan Ives, claimed that Apple’s Tim Cook will become the new Godfather of AI.

Nvidia's meteoric rise crashes
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Stock market bloodbath

Just days after capturing global adoration, Nvidia, the AI tech chip manufacturer, has suffered a dramatic reversal of fortune. What was once the darling of the world's investors has now become a battlefield of financial carnage.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange pleads guilty
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Yeah I did it, saga now over, and he is going back to Oz

WikiLeaks Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge linked to his alleged involvement in one of the most significant breaches of classified US government material.